Sunday, May 31, 2009
A little break from the book and a discussion on people and relations. You ever just think you know someone because you may have known them for awhile and tend to think that you know this person inside and out. You know they are close and supposedly transparent. Never make that mistake unless you know you know you know somebody like they have given you their kidney, or their left eyeball or better yet their right testicle.
Now let me preface this I am not saying that these drastic measures are necessary in order to know where you stand with a person. I am simply making a point at how fickle and trifling man has become over the years in regards to humanity. whatever happened to the respect for life and all things living ,whatever happened to blood pacts, and friendships that lasted any situation.
Now we all understand that these realtionships have to be cultivated, nurtured and take time to be tested tried and true.
With that being said try those that you have and cherish those that are true..
Live to learn to love
Learn to love to live
Love to live to learn
so that you may live the life that you yearn.
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